Saturday, 14 January 2012


I love my pen oops sorry I like writing better than typing and i always forget I'm on PC.                                                                                                              
Dreams>>>Faith>>>Works>>> Resurrection Power>>>Supernatural>>>Unrealistic>>>Above circumstances>>>Principles>>>Me!
*listening to halleluyah                                                                                                                                                                                                                 I have a dream...yh yh we all have dreams nothing new but I can speak for myself and the mental picture I see... A presenter, me talking and people listening because they aren't hearing my voice but that of Christ, they are hearing the resurrection power made manifest. Me impacting positively in people's lives, me singing songs that minister the word with signs and wonders following. I see myself taking charge of situations, being above every circumstance I find myself in and not beneath because of the Christlike nature in me, because i am one of the many "Christs" that was created on the resurrection day.          
                         When I paint this mental picture, it takes the holy spirit to help me allow my oil painting dry. I think I need to stop painting these pictures...I think carving a statue will be better because of its long lasting characteristic. Since I obviously have a problem with letting my oil painting dry. When I leave the natural>>>reality and I see the supernatural>>>unreality or craziness as termed by some. It takes the Grace of God to stay in the supernatural and not allow the things around me affect my "oil painting" that hasn't even dried. When reality presents hopelessness, a bleak future, no resources, despair, fear, poverty, tears, self-pity and depression, ir takes only the Grace of God, Revelation and Faith to see the opportunity in every challenge, solution in every problem and to be bold and courageous and be of good cheer. It takes only the Grace to remember the Words of God and His promises for us. It takes only
the Grace of God to remember that God honours His Word above His name and that His covenant with His people stands. It takes Grace to remember that we are free from the curse of the law. It takes Grace to see beyond what ordinary men see. It takes the Grace to walk in the awareness of His Power *smile